The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD at a Glance
The Egyptian Institute of Directors (EIoD) is a professional training and consulting center established in 2003, and working under the umbrella of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA.
The EIoD aims to spread awareness, knowledge, and best practices of Corporate Governance in Egypt, the Middle East, and North Africa (MENA) region in a way that meets the highest expectations and best interests of stakeholders.
Since its inauguration, the EIoD is actively pursuing its mission on improving practices of governance in various corporate sectors such as listed, non-listed, family-owned businesses, and state-owned enterprises. The activities of the Institute are addressing the needs of directors, key executives, shareholders, and different stakeholders.
International Finance Corporation IFC at a Glance
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. Working with 2,000 businesses worldwide, we use our six decades of experience to create opportunity where it’s needed most. In FY16, our long-term investments in developing countries rose to nearly $19 billion, leveraging our capital, expertise and influence to help the private sector end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity.
Corporate Directors Certification Program CDCP
The Corporate Directors Certification Program CDCP is offered by IFC along with the Egyptian institutes of Directors EIoD in Egypt. The program is designed to provide participants with tools to tackle improvement of corporate governance practices, which impact the long-term planning and procedures of the board. Covering a wide range of corporate governance issues, participants will acquire the tools for strategic supervision and administrative control, learn about the board's role in disclosure and transparency, and understand how to protect shareholder rights. Participants will get a Certified Director Certificate and will be able to become Board Certified Directors after attending the program’s credit hours, and scoring at least 80 per cent on the program tests.
The CDCP exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions, each question has one correct answer only. each participant has 30 days to accomplish the exam. the needed score is 80% at least o get the final "Certified Director" Certificate that provided by the Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD and accredited by the International Finance Corporation IFC and the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA.
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The Corporate Directors Certification Program CDCP is offered by the International Finance Corporation throughout the Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD. It is the first of its kind, and it is designed to provide participants with tools to tackle improvement of corporate governance practices, which affect the long-term planning and procedures of the board. Covering a wide range of corporate governance issues, participants will acquire the tools for strategic supervision and administrative control, learn about the board's role in disclosure and transparency, and understand how to protect shareholder rights. Participants will be able to become Board Certified Directors after obtaining a minimum of 80 per cent of the total credit hours, and scoring at least 80 per cent on the program final test.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA, offers this new certificate program in order to focus on the vital role of the GRC directors and professionals in all kinds of companies. It will equip participants with essential skills and knowledge of Governance related topics, Risk Management, Internal Controls, and Compliance.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial
Regulatory Authority FRA offers this new professional certificate to help
the organizations that are struggling to manage what they put online and to
understand what best practices, besides having a draft framework to kick-start COSO
Internal Control Integrated Framework Project.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA offers this professional certificate that discover the essential insights of startup governance. It uncovers the dynamic Egyptian startup landscape in 2023, differentiating startups from MSMEs, and understanding pivotal terms like venture capital and angel investors. Dive into the intricacies of business challenges and regulatory frameworks, and explore governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) tailored for startups. Delve into risk assessment, shareholder rights, and board responsibilities. Learn investment strategies, pitch deck creation, and how GRC elevates fundraising opportunities. Join us and gain a competitive edge in the world of startup governance.
يقدم مركز المديرين المصري التابع للهيئة العامة للرقابة
المالية هذه الدورة التدريبية بالتعاون مع البورصة المصرية من أجل تعزيز أهمية دور
مسئولي علاقات المستثمرين في ضمان الإفصاح المنتظم وغير الانتقائي لمجتمع
الاستثمار عن تطورات الشركة ومساعدة مسئولي علاقات المستثمرين في تلك الشركات على بناء برنامج
ناجح وفعال عن علاقات المستثمرين.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA offers this professional certificate within the MBA in Healthcare Governance That provided by the EIoD in collaboration with the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport, it is focusing on the important role of CG in healthcare sector specially the ew trends of clinical governance and related topics.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA provides this professional certificate to help directors and managers in the healthcare sector to build, manage, monitor and evaluate the performance of their functions and processes to ensure that they meet the strategic and operational targets of the organization.
It will provide them with basic knowledge that will enable them to set proper objectives for their business, identify the risks threatening it and finally managing these risks through integrated system of Internal Controls.
Moreover it will provide directors and managers with a solid framework that will facilitate application of all the above through a simple and practical approach that mixes the scientific concepts with the real life examples from the healthcare sector.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA provides this professional certificate to help directors and managers in the healthcare sector to understand Risk Management function in health care sector.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA provides this professional certificate to help directors and managers in the healthcare sector to understand internal auditing function in health care sector. Also, the relationships between corporate governance, internal control system, and internal audit function in healthcare sector.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA provides this professional certificate to help directors and managers in the healthcare sector to understand the concept of Disclosure & Transparency and reporting in health care sector.
يقدم مركز المديرين المصري التابع للهيئة العامة للرقابة المالية هذه الشهادة الهامة بهدف ثقل مهارات المتدربين في مجال مكافحة غسل الأموال وتمويل الارهاب، واستعراض المفاهيم الأساسية لغسل الأموال وتمويل الإرهاب، والتعرف على الجهات الدولية في هذا المجال والمعايير الصادرة عنها، وعرض الأطراف الرئيسية لمنظومة المكافحة في مصر، مع التركيز على إجراءات المؤسسات المالية، ويهدف البرنامج كذلك إلى تنمية مهارات المتدربين في مجال فحص وتحليل العمليات المالية لاكتشاف العمليات المشتبه فيها والتعرف على إجراءات ومتطلبات الاخطار عنها.
Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD
affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA, offers this certificate
program, to help deploying and managing integrated, professional and balanced
departmental scorecards and Key
Performance Indicators in organizations, and Understand the critical factors to
accomplish successful implementation of performance measurement, so that participants
can develop departmental/functional objectives and individual key performance
indicators to be aligned with the organizational strategic objectives
يقدم مركز المديرين المصري هذا البرنامج المتكامل عن الحوكمة ومكونات البيئة الرقابية في مختلف أنواع المؤسسات طبقاً لأفضل المارسات الدولية، بحيث يهدف إلى مساعدة المشتركين على وضع وتفعيل الأدوات الرقابية المختلفة بالمؤسسة والتي تمكن من التحكم المؤسسي المتكامل بما يحقق الأهداف الموضوعة بشكل سريع وفعال.
Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD
affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA, offers this certificate
program in collaboration with and with the support of the International
Finance Corporation IFC, in order to clarify the pivotal and strategic role
of the Corporate Secretary. In addition, this certificate focuses on the responsibilities
and the duties of the Corporate Secretary in a manner that enhance performing this role
successfully in the institution in accordance with international leading
After the course, participants will be available
for conducting an Online Exam (Self-Assessment) and
requested to score at least 80% to get the final
certificate of the course.
This program, provided by the Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA in collaboration with GIZ.
It is designed to meet the needs of higher management to enable them to identify indicators and how the fraud occurs and the reasons for their spread, as well as to shed light on the types of fraud and their components and focus on the types of risks that lead to the occurrence of fraud and how to control it by applying Various control methods efficiently and effectively.
This program is supported by practical cases that illustrate the correct steps to be taken when one of the factors indicating the possibility of the existence of fraud appears.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA offers this practical training course that enables any institution to draw and define its overall goals, through efficient strategic planning.
As each institution must create a general institutional framework that includes the vision, mission and goal to reach the best possible sustainability rates, and by the end of this training course. Participants will obtain the necessary information to create, implement and follow up the strategic planning of their institutions according to what they have learned from the analytical mechanisms and useful models.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA provides this professional certificate to help directors and managers to build, manage, monitor and evaluate the performance of their functions and processes to ensure that they meet the strategic and operational targets of the organization.
It will provide them with basic knowledge that will enable them to set proper objectives for their business, identify the risks threatening it and finally managing these risks through integrated system of Internal Controls.
Moreover it will provide directors and managers with a solid framework that will facilitate application of all the above through a simple and practical approach that mixes the scientific concepts with the real life examples.
The Egyptian
Institute of Directors EIoD offers this new
Professional Certificate in an intensive training program for financial managers,
officers, and all accounting professionals who wish to obtain professional
qualifications and leadership positions in financial accounting. This intensive
training course aims at obtaining professional qualification that forms their
practical experience, and filled with knowledge that enables them to perform
their functions in a sophisticated scientific methodology
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD provide this professional certificate that focuses on the important role of Compliance officers and experts in guaranteeing the compliance to laws, regulations, and directives that organize their business, and also the internal policies, charters and code of ethics and business conduct in all kinds of listed and non-listed companies and banks.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA, offers this professional certificate in order to help participants to gain practical knowledge in Enterprise Risk Management and related issues from corporate governance perspective.
The course should also enhance the participants’ ability to understand and practice Risk Management in different levels of the organization.
And to cover fundamentals of Risk through deeper understanding of risk management and importance of enrolling a Risk Manager to integrate business risks, dilemmas and opportunities into successful organization’s corporate governance model and recognizing links between good governance and a solid risk management strategy.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors affiliate of the Financial Regulatory authority FRA offers a professional certificate that aims to provide the participants with an overview of corporate disclosures by focusing on selected topics that are currently deemed of particular interest to financial and non-financial reporting, in addition to the different ways of disclosure.
The SMEs & Family Business Governance Training Program is an initiative by IFC’s Advisory Services aimed at Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) for implementing sound corporate governance standards to improve their performance, increase access to finance, and foster sustained growth.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD, affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA, conducts interactive SME workshops using IFC’s SME governance curriculum and diagnostic tool.
The instructors are corporate governance experts and deliver the course in an interactive manner to allow and encourage peer discussions among participants. The course materials include presentations, background materials (e.g. articles and papers), “IFC Diagnostic Tool” and best practice documents. The tool is a powerful instrument developed by IFC's corporate governance specialists based on IFC’s Corporate Governance Methodology. The purpose of this tool is to identify and prioritize action items needed to strengthen the SME governance framework and to develop an actionable plan for the company with specific timeframe for completion. Numerous companies and corporate governance experts have successfully adopted the “IFC Diagnostic Tool” globally.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD offers this professional certificate to focus on how Human resources provide the guidance, labor and expertise that are critical to the success of an institution. Consequently, it is important that the corporate has to set certain standards for the quality of human resources, and undertake practices to ensure resources meet or exceed those standards.
The responsibility for the governance of human resources rests initially with the board, which must ensure that the organization is being managed by a qualified and competent general manager (or a chief executive officer, or a treasurer, depending upon the credit union). This can be achieved through a thorough recruiting process and an annual review of the general manager's performance.
The quality and competency of staff must also be managed. This function is normally delegated to the related manager, but should be supervised by the board.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory authority FRA offers this professional certificate that aims to provide the participants with an overview to the methods of implementing corporate social responsibility CSR at all levels of the organization.
يقدم مركز المديرين المصري هذا البرنامج الذي يمد المشاركين بالمعلومات اللازمة حول قضايا حوكمة الشركات والموضوعات المرتبطة بها والتي تؤثر على التخطيط طويل الأجل والإفصاح عن المعلومات والإجراءات التنفيذية التي تتخذها مجالس الإدارة. وقد تم إعداد هذا البرنامج بالتعاون مع مؤسسة التمويل الدولية – مجموعة البنك الدولي وباعتماد الهيئة العامة للرقابة المالية.
The Egyptian Institute of Directors EIoD affiliate of the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA offers this professional certificate that accredited by the International Finance Corporation IFC, it is focusing on the vital role of CG officers and experts in all kinds of companies and banks in ensuring the compliance with the regulations and directives set by the market regulators such as the Financial Regulatory Authority FRA and the Central Bank of Egypt.
The Internal Audit Master Program is part of the Egyptian Institute of Directors (EIoD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) efforts in strengthening corporate governance and promoting best practices in the market. Participants will develop the knowledge base and skill sets needed and improve their understanding of the internal audit function and the role of internal auditors. The Program include case studies and interactive learning exercises based on high international standards.